Celebrate The Moments
The reality is, parents are the greatest spiritual influencer in the life of their children. Deuteronomy 6 gives God’s plan for raising up the Next Generation and without an intentional plan to pass down your faith, it won’t just happen on its own.
The NextGen@FBK Ministry Milestones celebrate significant moments in the life journey of a parent and a child that offer unique opportunities to reinforce truth and celebrate a growing relationship with God. We are committed to equipping and resourcing parents to capitalize on these key transitions for their child’s benefit as well as their own.
The NextGen@FBK Ministry Milestones celebrate significant moments in the life journey of a parent and a child that offer unique opportunities to reinforce truth and celebrate a growing relationship with God. We are committed to equipping and resourcing parents to capitalize on these key transitions for their child’s benefit as well as their own.

Dedication of Homes
Instilling faith in the life of a child begins at home and grows in partnership with a local Church. Parents of children join us & be encouraged & equipped as you begin parenting with a purpose & Dedicate your Home as the central place for discipling and raising your kids!
This milestone weekend includes a parent dinner on Saturday night and dedication ceremony during Sunday Morning Worship. This first Ministry Milestone typically occurs between Birth and Kindergarten and is conducted once a year.

Commitment to Truth
God’s Word is truth, so it should come as no surprise that reading and studying the Bible are still the activities that have the most impact on growth in this attribute of spiritual maturity.
This milestone is for new 1st and 2nd graders who are just learning to read. All 1st & 2nd graders will be presented with a new Bible and a Bible Skills for Kids resource in Kids Worship in the Fall as they learn to read their own Bible.

Declaration of Faith
The Declaration of Faith milestone is one of our favorites! Going ‘All In’ with Believer’s baptism after accepting Jesus as their Savior.
Baptism is one of the most important milestones in a Christian’s life. Contact the campus pastor or the kids ministry director at your campus to schedule a baptism.

Realization of Identity
Students still want your encouragement, but they will rarely ask for it. Teasing and gossiping take center stage, and with your child’s desire to “fit in,” it can lead to a compromise of values. These big shifts make it even more important for you to help your child see how they are designed differently, on purpose.
This milestone consists of a series of Bible studies with parents and Students and takes place during Middle School.

Commitment to Purity
Middle School is one of the most awkward seasons of life for a student and their family. With all of emotional, physical, and cognitive changes they experience, it can make these few years very difficult to navigate. But the most significant transition for a middle school student is spiritual. This milestone equips the family to develop a strategic and intentional plan for their middle school student to grow into Spiritual Purity.
This milestone is for Middle School students and their parents and is celebrated in January each year. Students are encouraged to participate and will participate with their parents in unique breakout sessions during this milestone.

Commitment to Others
A true reflection of the Gospel at work in the lives of believers is the demonstration of a commitment to others! Our Middle & High School students (grades 6-12) will be encouraged to register to serve here at FBK in various ministry capacities and demonstrate a desire to develop a commitment to others!
This milestone is ongoing throughout the year. Commitments to serve occur each year at the beginning of the school year.

Dedication to Maturity
Graduation is always an important time in the life of a student. As a church we want to celebrate with your family this important accomplishment. It’s also a great ceremony for your student to dedicate their life to living as a disciple of Christ.
This milestone includes a celebration dinner on Saturday night and graduate recognition and prayer during Sunday morning worship.