The Apps You Need.
The FBK Church App
It is important for you to stay informed about our church that you download two apps. The first is our official FBC Kettering app that you can find in the App or Google Play store by searching "FBC Kettering" or "First Baptist Kettering". This app contains links to important member content, sermon notes, previous sermon videos, and it is how we send out emergency notifications.
The Church Center App
We also heavily use an app called Church Center for groups, registrations, and giving. To get started with Church Center click on the button below, choose your platform, and then upon opening the app find First Baptist Kettering or the Church at Eastmont and long in using either the phone number you gave us or your email. If you have issues reach out to us, we are happy to help.

FBK Events & Registrations
A big part of being at FBK is being involved outside of Sunday morning. Below are the links to our ever evolving list of events for all ages and stages. Check them out, click on each to see more details, and we can't wait to see you soon.
The Church Calendar
With two campuses we don't have time to share everything on Sunday mornings. Here is a fast link to seeing many of the things going on at each of our campus locations.
Giving Info
Click on the button below to visit our giving page which has options for giving online, giving in person, and mail in options.
Find Your Gift
We believe God has given every believer in Jesus Christ spiritual gifts that are to be used for building up the body of Christ. One of our priorities as a church is to equip the saints for the work of the ministry, and finding out your spiritual gifts is just one step closer to you finding out how God has wired you, and for us to help you thrive by using those gifts.
Going On Mission
Click on the button below to visit our missions page which has a listing for all of our local and global missions opportunities.
Prayer: Bless Every Home
Our Current Church Stats
Jesus said, "I am the light of the world. Anyone who follows me will never walk in darkness but have the light of life."
The Lord planted our church where we are to help our neighbors discover the light of life. So, we're asking each member of our church to consider becoming a Light to their neighbors and living intentional pray-care-share lifestyles.
Becoming a Light is free and confidential. You'll receive a map and list of your closest neighbors, along with emails at the frequency of your choice to pray for your next five neighbors that day. When you get a chance, walk or drive by those homes as you pray for them.
To learn more about this opportunity click the button below to sign up on the website:
The Lord planted our church where we are to help our neighbors discover the light of life. So, we're asking each member of our church to consider becoming a Light to their neighbors and living intentional pray-care-share lifestyles.
Becoming a Light is free and confidential. You'll receive a map and list of your closest neighbors, along with emails at the frequency of your choice to pray for your next five neighbors that day. When you get a chance, walk or drive by those homes as you pray for them.
To learn more about this opportunity click the button below to sign up on the website: