The Mission
Inviting people to be transformed by Jesus.
FBK Values
Biblical Authority, Missional Engagement, Prayerful Dependence, Invitational Community, Generational Diversity
FBK Measures
We believe every Christian is to be maturing in their personal walk with Christ. For that reason, we have gone through the Bible and picked out seven key measures of a disciple of Jesus Christ and highlight them as the scripture we are teaching speaks about them.
#JesusSpeaker - A distinctive measure of a Disciple of Jesus is telling others about Him. Being a Jesus Speaker is not just about sharing the Gospel from time to time, but allowing our love for Jesus and the Gospel to move us to share the hope of Christ with others.
#WordLover - A distinctive measure of a Disciple of Jesus is a love that grows for God’s word. Being a Word Lover is about delighting in God's word and allowing His truth to transform our hearts and shape our lives.
#FaithWalker - A distinctive measure of a Disciple of Jesus is trusting God and living by Faith. Being a Faith Walker is a journey of walking with God and learning to trust Him in every area of our lives as we live on mission for His kingdom.
#RealLifer - A distinctive measure of a Disciple of What is being ourselves in community. Being a Real Lifer means that as a community we move towards knowing and being fully known by Jesus, and in a healthy way, move towards knowing and being fully known by others.
#WordLover - A distinctive measure of a Disciple of Jesus is a love that grows for God’s word. Being a Word Lover is about delighting in God's word and allowing His truth to transform our hearts and shape our lives.
#FaithWalker - A distinctive measure of a Disciple of Jesus is trusting God and living by Faith. Being a Faith Walker is a journey of walking with God and learning to trust Him in every area of our lives as we live on mission for His kingdom.
#RealLifer - A distinctive measure of a Disciple of What is being ourselves in community. Being a Real Lifer means that as a community we move towards knowing and being fully known by Jesus, and in a healthy way, move towards knowing and being fully known by others.
#GenerousGiver - A distinctive measure of a Disciple of Jesus is generosity toward God and others. Being a Generous Giver is about understanding God’s generosity toward us. Then, with a heart of thankfulness we model that generosity in our lives as wise stewards of every resource God has given us.
#FootWasher - A distinctive measure of a Disciple of Jesus is serving others as Christ served us. Being a Foot Washer is about loving your neighbor as yourself and humbly serving them as we would serve the Lord.
#KneeBender - A distinctive measure of a Disciple of Jesus is dependence on God through prayer. Being a Knee Bender is more than just an activity or physical posture. It is a posture of the heart toward relying on God and trusting His power and provision in our daily lives.
#FootWasher - A distinctive measure of a Disciple of Jesus is serving others as Christ served us. Being a Foot Washer is about loving your neighbor as yourself and humbly serving them as we would serve the Lord.
#KneeBender - A distinctive measure of a Disciple of Jesus is dependence on God through prayer. Being a Knee Bender is more than just an activity or physical posture. It is a posture of the heart toward relying on God and trusting His power and provision in our daily lives.
Looking for a list of helpful tools to apply these measures in your life? Check out our FBK Measure Tool List Page to discover many of the tools we have found helpful and use at FBK.
The FBK Discipleship Pathway
As a part of our mission and vision we have developed a ministry pathway for making disciples at our church. In short, we refer to this four part pathway as being the church.

BELIEVE - A disciple should gather together with the corporate church body for weekly worship. During this time, believers are equipped and edified for the work of ministry through worship in song and the preaching of the Word.
BELONG - These Community/Sunday morning groups of 15-20 people is the starting point for relationships, spiritual health, and service both inside and outside the church. Friendships are formed in this context for future Become groups.
BECOME - These groups consist of BECOME University Classes and other groups of 3-5 people who meet for a specified period of time. Maturity of the group is determined by the 7 measures of a healthy disciple.
BE SENT - Through divine appointments and relational evangelism, a disciple engages non-believers with the Gospel by forming intentional relationships in their workplace, neighborhood, and community.
BELONG - These Community/Sunday morning groups of 15-20 people is the starting point for relationships, spiritual health, and service both inside and outside the church. Friendships are formed in this context for future Become groups.
BECOME - These groups consist of BECOME University Classes and other groups of 3-5 people who meet for a specified period of time. Maturity of the group is determined by the 7 measures of a healthy disciple.
BE SENT - Through divine appointments and relational evangelism, a disciple engages non-believers with the Gospel by forming intentional relationships in their workplace, neighborhood, and community.